48 SaaS Content Marketing Stats to Know in 2024

SaaS Content Marketing Stats to Know in 2023

In the vast digital landscape of today, Software as a Service (SaaS) has emerged as a prominent business model. SaaS offers tremendous advantages to both businesses and consumers, providing on-demand access to software and applications without the need for cumbersome installations. With its scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, SaaS has rapidly become the go-to solution for companies worldwide.

Amidst this dynamic environment, the role of content marketing has proven to be paramount in propelling SaaS businesses to new heights. By leveraging content effectively, SaaS companies can build strong brand awareness, engage with their target audience, and ultimately drive conversions. In this article, we will delve into saas content marketing statistics and explore some compelling data that underlines its impact.

Discover vital stats like click-through and conversion rates, social media buzz, plus the power of user content and customer stories. Dive into trends, SEO impact, cost-effectiveness, and lead generation insights. Your ultimate data guide awaits!

Key Metrics of Content Marketing Statistics for Saas

  • CTR measures the percentage of clicks on a specific content piece or call-to-action link. It is a vital metric that indicates how engaging and compelling your content is to your target audience. A high CTR suggests that users find your content relevant and interesting, leading them to take the desired action.
  • Conversion rate gauges the percentage of website visitors who complete a desired action, such as signing up for a free trial or subscribing to a newsletter. This metric reflects the effectiveness of your content in driving actual results and converting visitors into leads or customers.
  • Time on page indicates how long visitors spend on a particular page of your website. It offers insights into content engagement and relevance. The longer users stay on a page, the more likely they are absorbing the information, which can positively impact their decision-making process.
  • Bounce rate measures the percentage of single-page visits where users left without interacting further. A high bounce rate may indicate that the content did not meet user expectations or lacked relevance. Analyzing bounce rates helps identify potential areas for improvement in content quality.
  • Exit rates identify the rate at which users exit the website after viewing specific content. This metric can provide valuable clues about potential weaknesses in the user experience or the content itself. Understanding exit rates helps optimize content to retain users on your site.
  • CTR measures the percentage of clicks on a specific content piece or call-to-action link. It is a vital metric that indicates how engaging and compelling your content is to your target audience. A high CTR suggests that users find your content relevant and interesting, leading them to take the desired action.
  • Conversion rate gauges the percentage of website visitors who complete a desired action, such as signing up for a free trial or subscribing to a newsletter. This metric reflects the effectiveness of your content in driving actual results and converting visitors into leads or customers.
  • Time on the page indicates how long visitors spend on a particular page of your website. It offers insights into content engagement and relevance. The longer users stay on a page, the more likely they are to absorb the information, which can positively impact their decision-making process.
  • Bounce rate measures the percentage of single-page visits where users left without interacting further. A high bounce rate may indicate that the content did not meet user expectations or lacked relevance. Analyzing bounce rates helps identify potential areas for improvement in content quality.
  • Exit rates identify the rate at which users exit the website after viewing specific content. This metric can provide valuable clues about potential weaknesses in the user experience or the content itself. Understanding exit rates helps optimize content to retain users on your site.
  • Pages per session calculate the average number of pages viewed per website visit. It indicates the depth of user exploration and the level of interest in your content. Higher pages per session demonstrate strong content engagement and encourage users to explore more of your offerings.
  • Social media engagement encompasses metrics such as likes, shares, comments, and click-throughs from social media platforms. Tracking these metrics helps measure the reach and resonance of your content on social media, where potential customers can discover your SaaS product or service.
  • CLV assesses the long-term value of a customer. Effective content marketing can positively influence CLV by nurturing customer relationships, encouraging loyalty, and reducing churn. Higher CLV indicates successful customer retention and satisfaction.
  • Customer churn rate measures the percentage of customers who stop using your SaaS product or service over a specific period. Understanding churn helps identify areas for content improvement and retention strategies, enabling you to reduce customer attrition.
  • ROI calculates the financial return generated from content marketing efforts. By measuring the revenue and profits generated against the costs of content production and promotion, ROI offers insights into the overall effectiveness of your content marketing campaigns.

Key Saas Content Marketing Stats

In this section, we will explore essential SaaS content marketing statistics. These key metrics will highlight the effectiveness of content marketing strategies in the SaaS industry, covering user engagement, lead generation, preferred content formats, and distribution channels. Let’s dive into these impactful stats to optimize content strategies and drive business growth.

  • 99% of companies will use at least one SaaS tool. And 78% of small businesses do so already.
  • A study by Bettercloud reported that organizations are still using more SaaS apps than ever, but growth has slowed a bit. This year, 40% of respondents said they consolidated redundant SaaS apps, prompting some slowdown in SaaS adoption. Despite that, the number of SaaS apps used is still up 18% from last year, with organizations now using 130 SaaS apps on average.

Source: State of the SaaS-Powered Workplace/ Bettercloud.com

Here are some key highlights from Bettercloud’s study: 

  • After rapid acceleration of SaaS adoption in the beginning of the decade, the yearly growth pace has finally slowed down a bit
    for the first time. 
  • To be sure, organizations are still adopting new SaaS applications. But whereas last year’s annual growth rate was 38%, this year it’s fallen to 18%.

Source: State Of Saas Ops/ Bettercloud.com

  • IT is bringing more SaaS apps under their control.

57% of IT professionals have increased the number of SaaS apps that are managed and supported by IT in the past 12 months.

  • 86% of IT professionals believe automation is important to effectively managing. SaaS operations, but nearly two-thirds. (64%) lack insight and visibility to automate effectively.
  • Medium-sized organizations are adding new SaaS apps at a faster clip than their larger counterparts, and account for most of the growth that we see in 2022.
  • In 2022, 65% of SaaS apps were unsanctioned—where users adopted apps without IT’s knowledge or approval.
  • Consolidation is likely a contributing factor to the drop in yearly growth rate of SaaS apps, especially as IT teams sought to optimize their current portfolio.

Challenges of managing a SaaS environment-

  • Top challenge For Saas Apps 42% of respondents said managing all app configurations consistently was the most crucial challenge to solve. – Managing all app configurations consistently

Source: State Of Saas Ops/ Bettercloud.com

  • 30%- Without visibility, IT is blind to risks. And unsurprisingly, automating more manual tasks remains top of mind. Tedious, time-consuming operational tasks only multiply as SaaSadoption grows.- Getting visibility into all user activity, data files, and folders
  • Nearly a quarter (24%) of respondents were worried about their ability to keep up with the onslaught of operational tasks, and (20%) were worried about controlling SaaS sprawl.- Securing apps is the leading concern for most organizations. 37% reported issue with securing Saas apps

Source: State Of Saas Ops/ Bettercloud.com

  • 42% of respondents said that securing user activities within SaaS apps was difficult. – SaaS security incidents in 2022
  • The average organization manages around 130 SaaS apps, 59% agree that it’s challenging to manage the sprawl, up from 54% last year- SaaS sprawl continues to make IT’s job harder
  • Each SaaS app has its own data, files, users, and connected apps. And that continually grows into an enormous, ever-expanding sprawl with each new app, user, set of permissions, and file created. Understanding where data lives, who has access to it, and where it’s exposed soon becomes a formidable task for IT.
  • Roughly half (47%) of respondents say they lack the resources needed to manage SaaS at scale, even though their bosses understand the

Source: State Of Saas Ops/ Bettercloud.com

  • Onboarding and providing access on Day 1 is also a challenge- 51% say it takes more than a day to get a new employee access to the tools they need to do the job. Another 35% say it takes more than a week.
  • Not all departing employees and contractors are being offboarded quickly enough- 27% responders said contractors still had access to business systems after they completed their projects.

Source: State Of Saas Ops/ Bettercloud.com

As per SaaS, supply chain management is estimated to hold the highest Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 17.6%.

Content Consumption and Engagement Statistics

SaaS consumers exhibit specific preferences when it comes to content formats and channels. Content marketing’s significance has reached unprecedented levels. As per the  State of Content Marketing 2023 report, here are some key take aways- 

  • A significant 78% of marketers view content marketing as “very” or “extremely” vital to their marketing strategy. This unmistakably indicates the increasing prominence of content within the marketing mix.
  • Video ranks as the top content choice for marketers, with 67% of them intending to increase their investment in video for the year 2023. This preference is understandable, considering that video is highly engaging and proven to be an effective content format.

Source: State of Content Marketing 2023 report/ Semrush.com

  • The most significant hurdle content marketers face is producing content that connects with their target audience. According to 55% of marketers, this is their primary challenge. Crafting content that is pertinent, captivating, and valuable to the audience is imperative for the effectiveness of any content marketing approach.
  • The 2023 State of Content Marketing report underscores the increasing significance of content within marketing strategies. It emphasizes various trends and tactics, including video content, personalized messaging, and data analytics, which marketers must be mindful of to maintain a competitive edge. Staying informed about these developments is essential to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving landscape of content marketing.

Lead Generation and Conversion Rates Statistics

  • According to the study by Ascend2 ‘The Status of Lead Conversion in Marketing and Sales’, many digital marketers continue to innovate in lead generation but merely 12% of marketing experts express high contentment with their proficiency in converting leads.

Here are some key highlights from the Ascend2 study:

  • The survey indicates that 43% of participants face difficulties in gathering sufficient lead data, posing the primary obstacle to achieving effective lead conversion.

Source: Lead Conversion In Marketing And Sales/ verse.io

  • 41% of businesses encounter challenges in promptly pursuing leads, particularly since a notable portion of leads are generated outside typical business hours.
  • Among the various marketing automation software tools employed, only a quarter, or 25%, are explicitly designed for lead conversion purposes.

A study from DemandMetric shows that companies who blog/write content receive 97% more links to their website.

The statistics below underscore the power of content marketing in attracting potential customers and the importance of content in converting leads into loyal customers for SaaS businesses.

71% of B2B content marketers say content marketing has become more important to their organization over the last year.

Source: marketingprofs.com

In 2023, a study by HubSpot show that marketers are striving to reach their target audiences with creative content, as the demand for exciting and fresh materials is extremely high.

HubSpot also reveals that 40% of marketers believe sales is the most important measure for content marketing success. Conversion rates matter to 29%, and lead generation is the least important at 27%. 

Source: State Of Marketing/ Hubspot.com

While, B2B marketers find conversions, lead quality, and website engagement most important for measuring how well their content is doing. About 70% preference to conversions, and 60% on leads.

Content marketing has proven highly effective in generating leads for SaaS companies. Studies reveal that businesses prioritizing content strategies generate over 3 times more leads compared to non-content-focused ones. 

SEO and Organic Traffic Statistics

Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a critical role for SaaS companies in driving traffic, generating leads, and increasing revenue. 

According to the Hubspot study, Marketers will continue using Content- blog and SEO.

  • The study also reported that leveraging SEO ranks #4 in terms ROI and effectiveness and 88% of those who use it will increase or maintain their investment in 2023. 
  • Marketers leveraging SEO at 29% in their marketing strategies to attract and convert leads, less than trends like Short-form video content (33%), Mobile-friendly website design (32%)

  • When it comes to the trend marketers will invest the most money in 2023, SEO ranks third behind short-form video and influencer marketing.

Source: State Of Marketing/ Hubspot.com

  • Though it’s time-consuming, SEO work requires a relatively low financial investment, especially when compared tostrategies like paid ads, events, and out-of-home ads.

Creating helpful and informative content significantly improves SEO rankings and enhances organic visibility, as emphasized by Google’s guidelines on creating helpful content.

Content Trends and Strategies Statistics

One of the popular content topics and trends in the SaaS industry revolves around the integration of AI solutions for optimizing cloud platforms. AI’s prominence in streamlining SaaS services and enhancing user experiences makes it a sought-after subject for content marketing.

Successful Content Marketing Strategies by Leading SaaS Companies:

Toast, a prominent SaaS company in the restaurant technology space, has implemented successful content marketing strategies. Their approach includes a diverse range of content formats such as valuable blog posts, customer success stories, webinars, e-books, engaging video content, and social media presence. 

  • These strategies have not only strengthened their brand reputation but also generated high-quality leads and increased conversions, fostering strong customer relationships within the restaurant industry.

In the realm of SaaS marketing, leveraging user-generated content (UGC) and customer testimonials has emerged as a powerful strategy to build trust and authenticity. 

  • UGC, which includes content like reviews, feedback, and social media posts from customers, serves as valuable social proof, showcasing positive experiences with the SaaS product or service. 
  • Implementing UGC platforms, SaaS companies can easily aggregate, store, and reuse this authentic content from their customers’ social media and online profiles, enhancing their overall marketing effectiveness.

Social Media Impact and Content Distribution Statistics

The Global Social Media Trends Report by Hobspot reports that social media is steadily becoming more and more important to business growth. Here are a few key highlights from the study: 

  • The highest ROI of any marketing channel are blogs, social media shopping tools, and influencer marketing.
  • Social Media also ranks the highest as the alternative targeting solution for marketers who are exploring using social media for targeted ads.
  • Marketers are leveraging Using social media DMs (direct messages) for customer service (29%), Selling products directly in social media apps (e.g. Instagram Shops) (25%) in their marketing strategy 

Source: State Of Marketing/ Hubspot.com

  • 30% of marketers are currently creating content that reflects their brand’s values which they are regularly sharing regularly on social media.
  • 30% of Gen Z and Millennials have bought a product directly on social media in the past three months

In terms of content distribution, social media marketers say relatable content is connected to the biggest ROI with Trendy content and Educational/informational content following the lead. 

  • The study reports re-sharing the same content across various platforms won’t work in 2023, the need to tailor content to unique tone, aesthetic, and demographics of the platform will be necessary. 
  • On social media the second thing users search for is Interesting content at 57%.  

Source: Global Social Media Trends Report/ Hubspot.com

  • Instagram Reels, TikToks, and YouTube Shorts are the most-used content format and generate the highest ROI.
  • Funny content engages users at the highest, followed by Relatable content, Trendy content and Authentic content. 
  • 19% marketers report Creating engaging content biggest challenges social media.

Content Marketing ROI and Cost-Effectiveness Statistics

In the State of Video Marketing 2023 report by Wyzowl, 92% of marketers reported that video marketing provides positive ROI. The rating has gone up by 5% from the year 2022 which reported 87% ROI. 

Source: The State of Video Marketing 2023/ wyzowl

Ultimately, the goal of all marketing efforts is to generate a positive return on your investment (ROI). However, ROI can sometimes be hard to measure in dollars and cents.

The majority of marketers have found their video marketing efforts to result in a positive ROI, but all of them may not measure this by looking at sales figures alone. Increased brand awareness, traffic, and leads are all other types of positive results that can be used as measurements of success.

It offers approximately 3 times more leads per dollar spent, making it a valuable investment. SaaS businesses have witnessed impressive ROI through content marketing, with substantial improvements in conversion rates reported. 

In conversation, preferring Traditional or Content marketing boils down to the strategy that gives best results. Content marketing is more cost-efficient of the two, and is better suited as a long-term strategy, while traditional marketing is completely short-term. 

If you only have a small budget to work with, content marketing is going to be more effective since it sustains marketing efforts for a longer time and gradually increases the brand authority, brand exposure, web traffic and leads, all of which eventually turn into sales.

Let’s have a look at an example, 

The software company Hudlr uses a mix of content marketing and SEO strategies to increase conversions and improve ROI, 

​The reports by Powered By Search showed an increase in their first page Google rankings by 2-3X (blue line) and their position rose to 1-3 rankings by 4X (yellow line). They also reported a 70% increase in average position for the keywords that were targeted, out of which 9 target keywords gave the page 1 or 2 rankings.

Source: poweredbysearch.com

Benefits of SaaS Content Marketing Statistics in Business Development and Decision Making

Data-driven insights for informed decision making: 

Statistics play a crucial role in understanding audience preferences, behavior, and content consumption patterns. By analyzing data, businesses can make informed decisions and devise effective content strategies that resonate with their target audience, leading to higher engagement and conversions.

Framing effective content marketing strategies:

Leveraging statistics enables companies to craft tailored and relevant content. By understanding what content performs best and resonates with their audience, businesses can develop strategies that maximize their reach and impact.

Measuring content performance and ROI: 

Utilizing data to evaluate the success of content marketing efforts is essential. Measuring key metrics helps optimize campaigns, identify areas of improvement, and assess the return on investment, ensuring resources are allocated effectively.

Enhancing lead generation and nurturing: 

Statistics help identify high-performing content and channels for lead generation. By understanding which content drives the most qualified leads, businesses can focus their efforts on nurturing prospects through the sales funnel, resulting in higher conversion rates.

Improving website traffic and user experience: 

Analyzing content consumption data allows businesses to optimize website content, structure, and user experience. By delivering valuable and engaging content, businesses can attract more visitors, enhance traffic, and improve overall user experience, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Identifying Market Trends and Opportunities: 

By analyzing SaaS content marketing statistics, businesses gain valuable insights into content trends and strategies used by competitors and industry leaders. This information informs the development of a competitive advantage, enabling companies to create content that resonates with their target audience and stands out in the market.

Tailoring Content for Target Segments: 

Leveraging statistics, businesses can segment their audience based on interests and behaviors. This segmentation allows for the delivery of personalized content, resulting in better engagement and higher conversion rates. Customized content caters to specific customer needs, enhancing overall marketing effectiveness.

Gaining Executive Buy-In: 

Presenting compelling data from content marketing statistics to stakeholders and executives reinforces the importance of content marketing in achieving business growth objectives. Data-driven insights build confidence in the efficacy of content strategies, facilitating support and investment in content marketing initiatives.

Staying Ahead in a Dynamic Landscape: 

Real-time data from content marketing statistics enables businesses to adapt swiftly to changing market conditions and customer preferences. This agility ensures a competitive edge, as companies can optimize content strategies to meet evolving demands and stay ahead of the competition.

Nurturing Customer Relationships: 

Harnessing data from content marketing statistics allows businesses to create targeted, value-driven content that fosters long-term customer loyalty and advocacy. By understanding customer preferences and pain points, SaaS companies can build strong relationships with their audience and enhance customer retention rates.

To Wrap it Up…

SaaS content marketing relies on key metrics like CTR, conversion rate, time on page, bounce rate, exit rates, and social media engagement to measure success. Personalized content improves conversion rates by 10%, while interactive content increases user interaction and lead conversions by 70%. 

Social media plays a pivotal role in content distribution, with LinkedIn and Twitter being prominent platforms. Content marketing offers a higher ROI compared to traditional advertising, generating 3 times more leads per dollar spent. Leveraging data-driven insights and innovative strategies can drive sustainable growth and desired conversions for SaaS businesses. Content marketing is vital for SaaS businesses to succeed.


What is SaaS content marketing?

SaaS content marketing is creating and distributing valuable content to attract and engage the target audience and promote software-as-a-service (SaaS) products.

What percentage of companies use content marketing?

Approximately 90% of companies use content marketing as part of their overall marketing strategy.

How does content marketing benefit SaaS companies?

Content marketing benefits SaaS companies by generating leads, increasing brand awareness, nurturing customer relationships, and driving conversions.

What percentage of revenue goes to marketing SaaS?

On average, SaaS companies allocate around 10-15% of their revenue to marketing activities.