Banner Blindness Statistics & Studies You Need to Know in 2024

In today’s digital age, where online advertising is omnipresent, capturing users’ attention has become a challenging task for marketers. Among the numerous obstacles they face, there is one elusive phenomenon that hinders the effectiveness of banner ads: banner blindness. In this article, we will delve into the concept of banner blindness, exploring its causes, consequences, and potential solutions. By understanding this invisible barrier, advertisers can optimize their strategies to break through the noise and engage their target audience effectively.

What is Banner Blindness?

Banner blindness refers to the phenomenon where users consciously or subconsciously ignore banner advertisements displayed on websites. It is characterized by users’ tendency to overlook or disregard these visually distinct ads, often resulting in low click-through rates and reduced effectiveness for advertisers.

The term “banner blindness” was coined in 1998 by Benway and Lane in their research paper titled “Banner Blindness: Web Searchers Often Miss ‘Obvious’ Links.” In this study, the researchers investigated how users interacted with banner ads on websites. They found that users had developed a conditioned response of ignoring banner-like elements on web pages, primarily due to their association with irrelevant or low-quality content.

Imagine a bustling street, lined with vibrant billboards and flashing neon signs, all competing for attention. During this visual overload, certain ads go unnoticed, blending into the backdrop of the urban landscape, such a phenomenon occurs in the digital realm, In banner blindness, the users consciously or subconsciously ignore banner advertisements. 

Today, banner blindness remains relevant as the advertising landscape continues to evolve. Advertisers and marketers constantly seek new strategies and formats to overcome banner blindness and effectively capture users’ attention. 

Crucial Banner Blindness Statistics to Stay Informed About in 2024

As per a study by Infolinks on digital advertising in 2013, on average 86% of consumers experience banner blindness. Only 8% of all users account for the click-through rate of 85% of publisher’s ads. This shows that users are becoming increasingly immune to banner ads/ digital advertising and are less likely to click on them. The study also found out that the average click-through rate for banner ads is a mere 0.06%. This means that out of 1,000 impressions, only 6 average internet users will click on the ad.

A study published in 2018 by Nielsen Norman Group (NN/g) on Banner blindness on mobile and desktop found that banner blindness is a prevalent issue despite changes in technology and design. Users continue to ignore banner-like elements on websites, indicating the persistence of this phenomenon.

The NN/g study further indicates the importance of strategic ad placement and design to combat banner blindness. It’s important for marketers to stay up-to-date with the latest banner blindness research and adapt their strategies accordingly. Techniques like integrating ads within the content, using native advertising, and creating engaging, non-intrusive ad formats can help improve ad visibility and effectiveness. Factors such as the placement and size of the ad, as well as its relevance to the user, also play a crucial role in determining whether or not an ad is noticed.

What Causes Banner Blindness?

Several factors contribute to the development of banner blindness. One significant cause is the oversaturation of banner ads on websites. As users are exposed to a high volume of ads, they quickly learn to filter them out as visual noise, focusing instead on the desired content or tasks.

The lack of relevance in many banner ads also contributes to banner blindness. Users are more likely to pay attention to content that aligns with their interests or needs, while irrelevant or intrusive ads are easily disregarded.

The positioning of banner ads on web pages can also impact their visibility and user engagement. Banner ads placed in peripheral areas, such as the right side or bottom of a page, are more likely to be ignored as users tend to focus their attention on the central content.

Effects of Banner Blindness on the Advertising Industry

Banner blindness has several significant effects on online advertising campaigns. Users’ tendency to ignore or overlook banner ads can lead to:

  1. Low Click-through Rates: Due to banner blindness, users are less likely to click on banner ads, resulting in low click-through rates. This reduces the overall effectiveness and return on investment for advertisers.
  2. Decreased Brand Awareness: When users consistently overlook banner ads, the visibility and exposure of the advertiser’s brand can be significantly diminished. This hampers the ability to create brand awareness and recognition among the target audience.
  3. Reduced Conversion Rates: Banner blindness can negatively impact conversion rates as users are less likely to engage with or respond to banner ads. This makes it challenging for advertisers to drive desired actions such as purchases, sign-ups, or downloads.
  4. Ad Fatigue: Repetitive exposure to banner ads can lead to ad fatigue, where users become desensitized or irritated by the continuous presence of ads. A user sees as many as 10,000 ads every single day. Ad fatigue can further exacerbate banner blindness and diminish ad effectiveness.

Strategies to Overcome Banner Blindness

To overcome the effects of banner blindness, advertisers employ various strategies such as native advertising, which integrates ads seamlessly into the content, and utilizing engaging ad formats that resonate with users. These approaches aim to improve user engagement, increase click-through rates, and enhance overall ad performance.

1. Utilise Native Advertising

  • Integrate ads seamlessly into the content to make them appear less intrusive and more engaging.
  • Match the look and feel of the surrounding content to increase relevance and improve user acceptance.

The “Live There” campaign by Airbnb is an excellent example of a successful campaign that overcame banner blindness. The campaign used native advertising to promote its services by creating content that blended in with the platform it was displayed on. Airbnb partnered with publishers such as The New York Times and CondĂ© Nast Traveler to create articles and videos that showcased unique travel experiences that users could have with the help of Airbnb. By creating content that was relevant to the platform and the audience, Airbnb was able to capture users’ attention by gaining 223 million impressions and nearly 1 million engagements.

2. Implement Personalization

  • Leverage user data and behavioural insights to deliver targeted and personalized ads.
  • Tailor ad content, visuals, and messaging to align with users’ preferences and interests.

The “Share a Coke” campaign by Coca-Cola is a successful example of overcoming banner blindness through personalized advertising. More began with printing 150 most popular names and then expanding to 500,000 names on their Coca-Cola products. By printing popular names on Coca-Cola bottles and cans, the campaign aimed to create a sense of personalization and encourage user engagement. This approach proved highly effective in capturing users’ attention and fostering a stronger connection with the brand. The campaign brought a significant hike of 7% in consumption of their product from Young adults in 2011. The campaign reached over 35 countries globally, showcasing its widespread success and international appeal. Since then, the campaign garnered billions of media impressions. Coca-Cola reported a positive impact on sales, demonstrating the campaign’s effectiveness in driving consumer interest and purchase intent.

3. Embrace Interactive Ad Formats

  • Use interactive elements like quizzes, polls, or games to encourage user participation.
  • Interactive ads capture attention, drive engagement, and break through banner blindness.

“Dove Real Beauty Sketches” campaign is an example of a successful campaign that embraced interactive ad formats to combat banner blindness. By incorporating an interactive social experiment, the campaign garnered over 163 million views, making it one of the most-watched online ad campaigns. Viewers were encouraged to participate by describing themselves or others, leading to a 54% increase in social media sharing. The interactive element, coupled with the powerful message promoting self-acceptance, allowed Dove to engage users and break through the clutter of traditional advertising. The campaign’s success highlights the effectiveness of interactive elements in capturing attention, driving engagement, and overcoming banner blindness.

4. Leverage Influencer Marketing

  • Collaborate with influencers who have a strong connection with your target audience.
  • Influencer endorsements and sponsored content can effectively bypass banner blindness and drive brand awareness.

5. Optimise Ad Placement and Timing

  • Experiment with different ad placements within the user’s natural line of sight.
  • Consider strategic placement within content or at transition points to increase visibility and engagement.

6. Focus on Video Advertising

  • Capitalize on the popularity of video content by using video ads.
  • Engaging video content can captivate users’ attention and deliver your message more effectively.

7. Implement Remarketing Campaigns

  • Target users who have previously shown interest in your product or website.
  • Remarketing can remind users of their previous engagement and increase the chances of conversion.
  • Responsive design: Ensure that your ads are designed to be responsive and compatible across different devices and screen sizes. 

8. Prioritise Quality and Relevance

  • Ensure that your ad content is high-quality, visually appealing, and relevant to the target audience.
  • Delivering valuable and meaningful content can help combat banner blindness.

9. A/B Testing and Optimization

  • Continuously test different ad variations, formats, and messaging to identify what resonates best with your audience.
  • Use data-driven insights to optimize your campaigns and improve ad performance.

10. Diversify Advertising Channels

  • Explore alternative advertising channels like social media, influencer platforms, or native ad networks.
  • Diversifying your approach can help reach audiences in different contexts and reduce the impact of banner blindness.

Remember, each strategy should be tailored to your specific target audience and campaign objectives. Experimentation and monitoring key metrics will help you determine the most effective approach for combating banner blindness and improving the performance of your advertising efforts.


Banner blindness is a growing concern for digital marketers, as users are becoming more adept at ignoring banner ads. To overcome banner blindness, marketers need to adapt their strategies and use more engaging and relevant ads. Native advertising, influencer marketing, and retargeting ads are some of the most effective strategies to overcome banner blindness. By understanding banner blindness and using effective strategies, digital marketers can reach their target audience and drive conversions.